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20 High-Impact Phone Scripts for Car Dealership Sales Success

20 High-Impact Phone Scripts for Car Dealership Sales Success

Mastering the outbound call is undeniably crucial in automotive sales, but let’s be honest – not every salesperson is a born charmer on the phone. That’s where Tom Stuker’s game-changing car sales phone scripts swoop in to transform your team’s performance.

With over three decades of industry expertise, Stuker has crafted a blueprint for phone scripts for car sales that turn even the most hesitant salesperson into a confident closer. By incorporating his powerful words and phrases into your car sales outbound phone scripts, your team can keep prospects engaged, extract crucial information like household details and referrals, and guide them seamlessly toward a showroom visit. These aren’t just scripts; they’re the key to unlocking a treasure trove of potential customers.

Whether you’re looking for car sales phone scripts pdfs, seeking free phone scripts for car sales, or wanting to fine-tune your existing car sales call scripts and auto sales phone scripts—Stuker’s approach has proven instrumental in driving sales! His techniques have revolutionized the way dealerships handle their car dealership BDC scripts, leading to increased appointments and sales.

So, are you ready to witness the impact of Stuker’s scripts and catapult your sales to new heights? Let’s dive in and discover how these powerful tools can revolutionize your phone game!

Why Car Sales Phone Scripts Are Essential: 5 Key Benefits

Why Car Sales Phone Scripts Are Essential

While instincts and a natural conversational flow are valuable assets in sales, relying solely on them in the high-stakes world of automotive sales can be risky. This is why you need phone scripts: your sales team’s trusted guide to navigating conversations, overcoming objections, and driving deals home. But why exactly are car sales phone scripts so crucial? Let’s dive in:

Keeps a Consistent & Compelling Message

A well-designed car sales call script guarantees that every customer interaction, regardless of the salesperson, reinforces your dealership’s brand identity and core message. Think of it as your sales symphony, ensuring that every note is harmonious.

Acts as a Confidence Booster & Anxiety Buster

Phone scripts for car sales act as a safety net, alleviating the fear of the unknown, especially for those new to the sales floor. With a clear structure, even novice salespeople can exude confidence, leading to smoother, more persuasive interactions. Remember, studies show that 69% of buyers are open to calls from new salespeople—make those calls count with effective car sales outbound phone scripts.

Maintains Efficiency

Time is money in sales. A well-structured auto-sales phone script keeps conversations focused and productive, allowing your team to qualify leads faster and move on to the next opportunity. The result? More calls, more leads, and ultimately, more sales.

Streamlines Training & Onboarding 

Car sales phone scripts are an invaluable training resource, providing new hires with a clear roadmap for success. They also offer a consistent benchmark for ongoing coaching and development, ensuring your team continuously improves their skills. The training benefits are clear whether you’re using car dealership BDC scripts or other specialized scripts.

Helps in Making Data-Driven Decisions

Tracking call outcomes with specific scripts allows you to gain valuable insights into what resonates with customers. This data-driven approach allows you to refine your scripts over time, maximizing their effectiveness. Moreover, you can find many resources online, including car sales phone scripts pdf and free phone scripts for car sales, to get started.

So, phone scripts are vital whether you’re looking to improve your closing ratio, streamline your sales process, or simply provide your team with the tools they need to succeed. Check out 20 phone scripts that can help your sales get through!

Essential Phone Scripts for Automotive Sales Success

Don’t let a lack of resources hold your sales team back. Access a wealth of free phone scripts for car sales, including downloadable car sales phone scripts PDFs and customizable templates. These invaluable resources will enhance your communication, build rapport, and help you close more deals.

  1. Calling the Referral
    When calling referrals, be careful not to come on too strong. View the video clip above of Stuker teaching this script in a course on his interactive virtual training platform, ATN. Referrals are a gold mine; the right car sales outbound phone scripts can make all the difference. Enhance your lead generation techniques with our 12 best practices for car sales.
  2. Thank You For the Referral
    Call your referral source to thank them twice! A sincere thank you can reinforce a positive relationship, encouraging continual referrals. Using car sales call scripts effectively increases the likelihood of repeat business.
  3. Three Day Follow-Up Call
    The perfect time to call your sold customers is 72 hours after a purchase. This follow-up is crucial, and using a structured auto sales phone script can help maintain a connection and encourage future sales.
  4. Post CSI
    Customer satisfaction is crucial to building repeat and referral business. Effective car sales phone scripts pdf includes ways to inquire about customer satisfaction and address any issues promptly. Maintain your dealership’s reputation with our beginner’s guide to Automotive Reputation Management.
  5. Friends & Acquaintances
    Talking about your job and the auto industry can end up getting you more referrals than you think. Casual conversations can turn into sales opportunities with the right approach outlined in free phone scripts for car sales.
  6. It’s Been A While
    This call works best for the customers you have neglected in your follow-up. Effective car dealership BDC scripts can streamline reconnecting with past clients.
  7. Orphan-Ups
    Orphan-ups are people who have visited your dealership looking for a vehicle and were waited on by a salesperson who’s no longer working there. Carefully crafted car sales phone scripts can re-engage them and make them feel valued despite the staff changes.
  8. Orphan Owners
    Orphan owners are dealership customers who bought a vehicle from a salesperson who’s no longer employed there. Car sales call scripts shine in maintaining relationship continuity, offering a smooth transition and continued support.
  9. Birthdays / Anniversaries
    You have to have a reason to call people, and it has to benefit them. Sooner or later, you will run out of reasons. Celebratory calls using car sales phone scripts pdf can enhance customer relationships and keep your dealership in their minds.
  10. Appointment Confirmation
    Sending vehicle photos and videos with your smartphone can help motivate the prospect. Car sales phone scripts that include confirmation and excitement about upcoming appointments can increase show rates.
  11. Missed Appointment
    If this happens, call your customer as soon as possible after the appointment is missed. A car sales call script can help salvage a potential lost sale and show the customer that their presence is valued.
  12. The Pre-Service Call
    Use your CRM to notify you before your customer’s service appointment. A proactive auto sales phone script helps in maintaining excellent service standards.
  13. The Post-Service Call
    It’s important to make both a pre-service call and a post-service call to ensure continued customer satisfaction and relationship building with car dealership BDC scripts.
  14. For Sale By Owner
    If you check my Priority Calling list, you will see this barely makes the list. However, it’s an opportunity to offer dealership services that might be more appealing than selling privately.
  15. Incidental Contact
    When calling a recently sold customer at work and a third party answers the phone, you should ask the person who answered the phone to leave a written message. It’s all about maintaining professionalism and courtesy.
  16. Calling The Wrong Number
    Don’t get me wrong here… I am not asking you to randomly call the wrong numbers to drum up business. Yet, even a mistaken call can be handled gracefully using a polished car sales phone script.
  17. Zero Flip/Equity Call
    This is a good sales opportunity that can be approached using a “Soft Sell/Smart Sell” approach. Understanding the financial benefits can help clients upgrade or change vehicles.
  18. Event Follow-Up
    It was the dealership’s job to get the contact information on the day of the event, but now, it’s your job to contact them. Following up after events is critical; a well-timed call can convert a lead into a sale.
  19. Financially Challenged
    This simple call can be made every 4 months or so with a different twist. Offering solutions and options for financially challenged customers can open doors to new sales.
  20. Warranty Expiration
    The warranty expiration call benefits the customer, the dealership, and the salesperson. It’s an opportunity to discuss extended service plans or new purchase options.

Who would have thought that the key to maximizing the best household opportunities and gaining a multitude of referrals was residing in the form of 20 simple phone scripts this whole time? The full phone scripts to Stuker’s 20 Outbound Calls can be found as a course in his interactive virtual training platform, ATN, or as a chapter in the complimentary training manual, Guaranteed Sales Success.

Maximize Your Sales Potential with ATN’s Proven Phone Scripts for Car Dealerships

Maximize Your Sales Potential with ATN’s Proven Phone Scripts

Mastering phone communication is crucial to effectively engaging customers and driving sales in the automotive industry. This involves making a strong first impression, addressing customer concerns, and guiding them toward a purchase decision. Car salespeople must hone their skills, refine their approach, and learn strategies to build rapport and confidently navigate conversations to achieve this.

With Automotive Training Network’s 40+ years of sales training experience, your team will gain the expertise to excel in every phone interaction. Our comprehensive program helps your salespeople establish rapport quickly, understand and address customer needs, and confidently guide them through sales.

Through virtual training, sales and BDC boot camps, or live in-dealership training programs, our personalized support will empower your team to master phone communication, leading to increased appointments, improved customer satisfaction, and, ultimately, more sales.

Ready to upskill your team and achieve greater success? Contact us today!